"He raised us up together with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places ... you are fellow citizens with the saints (God’s people), and are [members] of God’s household, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the [chief] Cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure is joined together."
Ephesians 2:6 ... 19-21
Brad and Kimiya DeRuiter are ordained, volunteer Pastors at Angel Fire Christian Center in Simi Valley, CA.
It is our privilege to continue to serve in the capacity of being instrumental in helping to build and give executive level administrative support to ICAN's founding Apostolic Leaders, Dr. Bill and Barbara Peters.
ICAN: International Children’s Aid Network was founded to help meet the needs of orphans and vulnerable children around the world. With ICAN’s current focus on developing a Children’s Village orphanage in Soweto, South Africa, ICAN is striving to bring a bright shining light of hope to children in desperate need on the African continent.​
In 2001, Dr. Bill and Barbara Peters built the first of eleven multi-use community centers that served as daycare and education facilities in some of the poorest townships in Gauteng Province, South Africa. By 2004, they recognized that the multi-use centers were not fully addressing the major African humanitarian crisis created by the AIDS epidemic. With as many as 35 million children on the African sub-continent having lost one or both parents to AIDS, a greater commitment to orphans and vulnerable children was needed. In response, the Peters founded a non-profit corporation called the International Children's Aid Network, Inc. (ICAN). In July, 2005, ICAN began to directly address the orphan crisis by raising funds to purchase a brick-making machine that could not only provide materials to build a Children's Village orphanage, but eventually could help make the Village self-sufficient through a brick making business. In cooperation with its sister organization in South Africa (Worldwide Children's Aid Network - WeCAN); ICAN is focused on meeting the needs of orphans and vulnerable children on the African continent.
Go to: www.icaninfo.org for more information.